Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yay! The test is over.

Here are the three things you will be working on for the remainder of the school year:
  • Reading your book and participating in discussion groups.
  • Writing your final paper
  • Contributing to the class autobiography project:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax-- Of cabbages--and kings-- And why the sea is boil

In other words, the AP Exam is almost here, and we need to do some serious review.

Believe it or not, we are going to use SparkNotes in class. Holy cow!

Go to this site and create an account. Do not begin the diagnostic until I tell you to begin.

When you have finished, copy and paste your results into Word and print.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Please do not forget that the Poetry Blog posts are still due each night. Check the Poetry Blog for your night

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Believe it or not; it's time to start reviewing for the exam.

Be sure to check your email to accept the invitation to be an author on this blog.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Portrait Projects due Monday, March 2nd

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Project Choices

Collect a series of ten songs that you would use as a soundtrack to a film version of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. You must include the lyrics of each song, a link to the song (if available) and a one paragraph explanation for each of your choices.

Create a piece of original artwork (painting, drawing, etc.) or a series of photographs that reflect the chiastic nature of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

Poetry Collection
Collect a series of ten poems that you would present to Stephen. Be sure to include a one paragraph explanation for each of your choices.

Original Poetry
Write a poem or series of poems that utilizes the literary devices discussed in class and reflects the key concepts of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. You must have at least 75 lines of poetry in total.

Short Story
Write an original short story that places Stephen in your 2009 AP Literature class at Smithtown High School East. Your story must be at least two MLA style pages in length.

Come up with your own project.
All original project choices must be approved by Thursday, February 26th.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Quarter Three Outside Reading Book Choices

Book choices are due on Friday, February 6, 2009.

The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
Light in August by William Faulkner

Ulysses by James Joyce

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
You Shall Know Our Velocity! by Dave Eggers

Sula by Toni Morrison
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami

The Zoo Story by Edward Albee
Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

The Third Policeman by Flann O’Brien
At Swim Two Birds by Flann O’Brien

The Complete Tales and Poems by Edgar Allen Poe
The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats, Vol. 1

The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

Blog Post change:

By March 6th, you must have a total of two posts. Each post must have at least one week in between them. Email me each time you post to your blog.

By April 3rd, you must have another two posts completed. Each post must have at least one week in between them. Email me each time you post to your blog.

Your Outside Reading annotations and responses are due on April 14, 2009.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Frankenstein Extra Credit

If you feel you have done substatial annotation work for Frankenstein, please bring your copy of the novel to class on Tuesday for extra credit points.

As I Lay Dying class/group assignment

Aild Blog
View SlideShare document or Upload your own.

See the calendar below for the reading schedule.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Frankenstein Review Slides

Kerper And Leigh
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Frankenstein Review Slides

Frankenstein Pat N Riccardo
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Frankenstein Review Slides

Hittner Marsh Bb Skopkowski
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Frankenstein Review Slides

Buchholz And Liguori Tucci
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Frankenstein Review Slides

Villano And Calabrese
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Classwork for Friday, 1/9

Work in pairs to create a review Powerpoint Presentation for Frankenstein.

1. Title, Author, Genre, Setting, Characters

2. Themes of the novel with brief explanations

3. 1-2 Examples of the Romantic and Gothic elements of the novel

4. Frequently used literary and/or rhetorical devices

5. Structure of the novel

6. Schools of Literary Criticism

Include any other elements you believe to be essential to your review for the exam.

When you finish your presentation, save the file as your last names (i.e. Smith and Jones) in the "Frankie Review" folder on the "Public" drive.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

More Literary Criticism

Mythological / Archetypal / Symbolic
Note: "Symbolic" approaches may also fall under the category of formalism because they involve a close reading of the text. Myth criticism generally has broader, more universal applications than symbolic criticism, although both assume that certain images have a fairly universal affect on readers.
A mythological / archetypal approach to literature assumes that there is a collection of symbols, images, characters, and motifs (i.e. archetypes) that evokes basically the same response in all people. According to the psychologist Carl Jung, mankind possesses a "collective unconscious" that contains these archetypes and that is common to all of humanity. Myth critics identify these archetypal patterns and discuss how they function in the works. They believe that these archetypes are the source of much of literature's power.
Some Archetypes (See A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature for a complete list):
archetypal women - the Good Mother, the Terrible Mother, and the Soul Mate (such as the Virgin Mary)
water - creation, birth-death-resurrection, purification, redemption, fertility, growth
garden - paradise (Eden), innocence, fertility
desert - spiritual emptiness, death, hopelessness
red - blood, sacrifice, passion, disorder
green - growth, fertility
black - chaos, death, evil
serpent - evil, sensuality, mystery, wisdom, destruction
seven - perfection
shadow, persona, and anima (see psychological criticism )
hero archetype - The hero is involved in a quest (in which he overcomes obstacles). He experiences initiation (involving a separation, transformation, and return), and finally he serves as a scapegoat, that is, he dies to atone.
Provides a universalistic approach to literature and identifies a reason why certain literature may survive the test of time. It works well with works that are highly symbolic.
Literature may become little more than a vehicle for archetypes, and this approach may ignore the "art" of literature.

Feminist Approach
Feminist criticism is concerned with the impact of gender on writing and reading. It usually begins with a critique of patriarchal culture. It is concerned with the place of female writers in the cannon. Finally, it includes a search for a feminine theory or approach to texts. Feminist criticism is political and often revisionist. Feminists often argue that male fears are portrayed through female characters. They may argue that gender determines everything, or just the opposite: that all gender differences are imposed by society, and gender determines nothing.
Elaine Showalter's Theory:
In A Literature of Their Own, Elaine Showalter argued that literary subcultures all go through three major phases of development. For literature by or about women, she labels these stages the Feminine, Feminist, and Female:
(1) Feminine Stage - involves "imitation of the prevailing modes of the dominant tradition" and "internalization of its standards."
(2) Feminist Stage - involves "protest against these standards and values and advocacy of minority rights...."
(3) Female Stage - this is the "phase of self-discovery, a turning inwards freed from some of the dependency of opposition, a search for identity."
Women have been somewhat underrepresented in the traditional cannon, and a feminist approach to literature redresses this problem.
Feminist turn literary criticism into a political battlefield and overlook the merits of works they consider "patriarchal." When arguing for a distinct feminine writing style, they tend to relegate women's literature to a ghetto status; this in turn prevents female literature from being naturally included in the literary cannon. The feminist approach is often too theoretical.

Reader Response Criticism
Reader response criticism analyzes the reader's role in the production of meaning. It lies at the opposite end of the spectrum from formalistic criticism. In reader response criticism, the text itself has no meaning until it is read by a reader. The reader creates the meaning. This criticism can take into account the strategies employed by the author to elicit a certain response from readers. It denies the possibility that works are universal (i.e. that they will always mean more or less the same thing to readers everywhere). Norman Holland argues that "each reader will impose his or her 'identity theme' on the text, to a large extent recreating that text in the reader's image." Therefore, we can understand someone's reading as a function of personal identity.
It recognizes that different people view works differently, and that people's interpretations change over time.
Reader Response criticism tends to make interpretation too subjective. It does not provide adequate criteria for evaluating one reading in comparison to another.

Structuralism: Structuralists view literature as a system of signs. They try to make plain the organizational codes that they believe regulate all literature. The most famous practitioner is Michael Foucault.

Deconstruction: This approach assumes that language does not refer to any external reality. It can assert several, contradictory interpretations of one text. Deconstructionists make interpretations based on the political or social implications of language rather than examining an author's intention. Jacques Derrida was the founder of this school of criticism.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Literary Criticism

Historical / Biographical Approach:
Historical / Biographical critics see works as the reflection of an author's life and times (or of the characters' life and times). They believe it is necessary to know about the author and the political, economical, and sociological context of his times in order to truly understand his works.
This approach works well for some works--like those of Alexander Pope, John Dryden, and Milton--which are obviously political in nature. One must know Milton was blind, for instance, for "On His Blindness" to have any meaning. And one must know something about the Exclusion Bill Crisis to appreciate John Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel." It also is necessary to take a historical approach in order to place allusions in their proper classical, political, or biblical background.
New Critics refer to the historical / biographical critic's belief that the meaning or value of a work may be determined by the author's intention as "the intentional fallacy." They believe that this approach tends to reduce art to the level of biography and make it relative (to the times) rather than universal.

Moral / Philosophical Approach:
Moral / philosophical critics believe that the larger purpose of literature is to teach morality and to probe philosophical issues.
This approach is useful for such works as Alexander Pope's "An Essay on Man," which does present an obvious moral philosophy. It is also useful when considering the themes of works (for example, man's inhumanity to man in Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn). Finally, it does not view literature merely as "art" isolated from all moral implications; it recognizes that literature can affect readers, whether subtly or directly, and that the message of a work--and not just the decorous vehicle for that message--is important.
Detractors argue that such an approach can be too "judgmental." Some believe literature should be judged primarily (if not solely) on its artistic merits, not its moral or philosophical content.

Mimetic Approach:
This can be closely related to the moral / philosophical approach, but is somewhat broader. Mimetic critics ask how well the work of literature accords with the real world. Is it accurate? Is it correct? Is it moral? Does it show how people really act? As such, mimetic criticism can include some forms of moral / philosophical criticism, psychological criticism, and feminist criticism.

Formalism / New Criticism
A formalistic approach to literature, once called New Criticism, involves a close reading of the text. Formalistic critics believe that all information essential to the interpretation of a work must be found within the work itself; there is no need to bring in outside information about the history, politics, or society of the time, or about the author's life. Formalistic critics (presumably) do not view works through the lens of feminism, psychology, mythology, or any other such standpoint, and they are not interested in the work's affect on the reader. Formalistic critics spend much time analyzing irony, paradox, imagery, and metaphor. They are also interested in the work's setting, characters, symbols, and point of view.
Terms Used in New Criticism:
tension - the integral unity of the poem which results from the resolution of opposites, often in irony of paradox
intentional fallacy - the belief that the meaning or value of a work may be determined by the author's intention
affective fallacy - the belief that the meaning or value of a work may be determined by its affect on the reader
external form - rhyme scheme, meter, stanza form, etc.
objective correlative - originated by T.S. Eliot, this term refers to a collection of objects, situations, or events that instantly evoke a particular emotion.
This approach can be performed without much research, and it emphasizes the value of literature apart from its context (in effect makes literature timeless). Virtually all critical approaches must begin here.
The text is seen in isolation. Formalism ignores the context of the work. It cannot account for allusions. It tends to reduce literature to little more than a collection of rhetorical devices.

Psychological Approach
Psychological critics view works through the lens of psychology. They look either at the psychological motivations of the characters or of the authors themselves, although the former is generally considered a more respectable approach. Most frequently, psychological critics apply Freudian psychology to works, but other approaches (such as a Jungian approach) also exist.
Freudian Approach:
A Freudian approach often includes pinpointing the influences of a character's id (the instinctual, pleasure seeking part of the mind), superego (the part of the mind that represses the id's impulses) and the ego (the part of the mind that controls but does not repress the id's impulses, releasing them in a healthy way). Freudian critics like to point out the sexual implications of symbols and imagery, since Freud's believed that all human behavior is motivated by sexuality. They tend to see concave images, such as ponds, flowers, cups, and caves as female symbols; whereas objects that are longer than they are wide are usually seen as phallic symbols. Dancing, riding, and flying are associated with sexual pleasure. Water is usually associated with birth, the female principle, the maternal, the womb, and the death wish. Freudian critics occasionally discern the presence of an Oedipus complex (a boy's unconscious rivalry with his father for the love of his mother) in the male characters of certain works, such as Hamlet. They may also refer to Freud's psychology of child development, which includes the oral stage, the anal stage, and the genital stage.
Jungian Approach:
Jung is also an influential force in myth (archetypal) criticism. Psychological critics are generally concerned with his concept of the process of individuation (the process of discovering what makes one different form everyone else). Jung labeled three parts of the self: the shadow, or the darker, unconscious self (usually the villain in literature); the persona, or a man's social personality (usually the hero); and the anima, or a man's "soul image" (usually the heroine). A neurosis occurs when someone fails to assimilate one of these unconscious components into his conscious and projects it on someone else. The persona must be flexible and be able to balance the components of the psyche.
It can be a useful tool for understanding some works, such as Henry James The Turning of the Screw, in which characters obviously have psychological issues. Like the biographical approach, knowing something about a writer's psychological make up can give us insight into his work.
Psychological criticism can turn a work into little more than a psychological case study, neglecting to view it as a piece of art. Critics sometimes attempt to diagnose long dead authors based on their works, which is perhaps not the best evidence of their psychology. Critics tend to see sex in everything, exaggerating this aspect of literature. Finally, some works do not lend themselves readily to this approach.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Parveen’s Writing Prompt

You can't imagine

What this feels like.

A burning in my chest,

A visceral ache.

It's numbness in my fingers,

In my toes,

In my mind –

A mind that is always racing,




Trying to pick up the pieces.

Praying to fill the need,

The insatiable hunger buries me;

I'm trapped in filth and scratching at the walls

Begging just to get one taste

Dying just to get back to you.

Important Dates